Grade 9 Orientation

  1. 2. Number of books by Susan Juby in the library
  2. 3. Monument 14 author
  3. 7. eBook publisher (link from school website)
  4. 8. Regular loan period
  5. 9. Canadian newsmagazine
  6. 12. Number of books about NASCAR in the library
  7. 13. Computer pass
  8. 14. Number of books about urban legends in the library
  9. 17. Online French encyclopedia
  10. 19. Overdue fine per day
  11. 21. card required for borrowing
  12. 22. Classification system to organize the books
  13. 23. Final item in the Web 2.0 Toolbox
  14. 25. Teacher Librarian
  15. 27. Library technician
  16. 28. Colour of a regular loan due date card
  17. 29. Unwind author
  1. 1. Teen fashion magazine
  2. 4. Library catalogue program
  3. 5. Freebie at the Circulation Desk
  4. 6. Cost to print in black & white
  5. 10. Prime time for library use
  6. 11. Sports magazine
  7. 15. Area for quiet group work
  8. 16. electronic database
  9. 18. Quiet place to work by yourself
  10. 20. Book by Lena Coakley
  11. 24. Reference book loan period
  12. 26. Reading exercises your