Catechism 9: Crossword I

  1. 4. We may have knowledge of God from ________and from the Bible.
  2. 6. The author of the Bible is __________.
  3. 7. The writers of the Bible were inspired by the _______.
  4. 10. Everyone is born with a knowledge of God, this is called ________knowledge. (conscience)
  5. 11. God ever was and always will be. He is __________.
  6. 12. By viewing God's wonderful creation we also know there is a God. This is called __________knowledge.
  7. 13. ____________ refers to God's perfect knowledge of all things.
  8. 14. God's perfect self-determination and supreme ruling over all creation.
  9. 15. Deut 29:29 speaks about God's secret will and His __________will.
  10. 17. God is a ___________.
  11. 18. God's __________ must be satisfied, sin must be paid for.
  12. 19. The attribute speaking about God's almighty power is His being __________.
  1. 1. They say there is no God, they are called___________
  2. 2. The Holy Scriptures can make us wise unto the onlly way of __________.
  3. 3. God's most significant name is _____________.
  4. 5. A beautiful name of Christ in Jeremiah 23:6 is : The Lord our ________.
  5. 6. ____________provides blessings we have not earned.
  6. 8. God reveals Himself in his Essence, Names, __________ and Person.
  7. 9. Through creation there is no saving knowledge of ________.
  8. 10. The word of God is without error. It is ________.
  9. 13. ___________ refers to God's perfect presence in all places at all times.
  10. 16. The Bible contains only such things as proceed from God. It is a _________ book.
  11. 20. _______ is God witholding the punishment we rightly deserve.