Grammar Crossword - Framework Revision

  1. 4. describe verbs (and sometimes adjectives)
  2. 6. 'doing' word
  3. 7. The system of rules that governs how words and sentences are constructed.
  4. 10. connect single words or longer units of language that have equal status eg. 'and' & 'or'
  5. 13. give extra information about the main verb and can affect the meaning of the sentence
  6. 14. define relationships between words in terms of time, space and direction
  7. 16. 'naming' word
  8. 17. identify the action of the sentence
  1. 1. groups of people, animals or things
  2. 2. concepts, states, qualities or emotions
  3. 3. give specific kinds of information about a noun (eg. quantity or possession)
  4. 5. a noun naming specific people, places or brands
  5. 8. can only occur with reference to a main verb eg. 'can', 'will', 'might'
  6. 9. 'do', 'have', 'be'. They can be main verbs.
  7. 11. 'connecting' words
  8. 12. things you physically touch or see
  9. 13. describe nouns (and sometimes pronouns)
  10. 15. take the place of nouns