Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation Crossword

  1. 2. It is used when an example of a structure and the grammatical rule is given first and then the language is practiced.
  2. 12. It is a way the teacher can foster students’ independence by encouraging the use of vocabulary records through putting the words and expressions on one topic to which new words can be added.
  3. 13. It is more important than grammar for communication purposes, particularly in the early stages when students are motivated to learn the basic words they need to get by in the language.
  4. 14. Students may recognize the new items but often delay putting it into active use. So, it is useful to plan active activities that allow to reuse and reactivate the new vocabulary in subsequent lessons.
  5. 15. This is only possible with monolingual groups but it can cut down on lengthy, laborious explanations (particularly at lower levels)
  6. 16. It is determined by the ideas associated with or suggested by a word. So, it is a difficult aspect that learners have to get to grips with. For example, to be a patriot may be considered good by some and bad by others, depending on their political viewpoint.
  1. 1. It can provide a natural context for language exploration and a pool from which particular language items and structures can be drawn, analyzed and practiced.
  2. 3. When students put it into practice, the pattern is more easily recognized and more memorable for them. For example, a falling tone in some wh- questions.
  3. 4. It is used when a context is stablished first from which the target structure is drawn.
  4. 5. It helps the students understand the spoken English they hear and make their own speech more comprehensible and meaningful to others.
  5. 6. This technique makes stress in words more easily perceive and there is little danger of distortion, unlike when a particular sound is stress.
  6. 7. It is particularly useful to illustrate actions such as brushing teeth, riding a horse, painting a wall, etc. It may seem frivolous at times but it is efficient and memorable.
  7. 8. It is a pattern of rise and fall in the level (the pitch) of the voice, which often adds meaning to what is being said.
  8. 9. It refers when pictures, mime and realia can be used to illustrate the meaning and establish a context in which the target structure is set.
  9. 10. It refers the way how some grammatical structures are formed depends on knowing which words go with others and which do not. For example, someone may know the expression "to be interested" but say "I’m interested of that" rather than "I’m interested in that".
  10. 11. Many people can learn a language more easily if they can perceive regularities or patterns. Then, many of the patterns that students learn are particular grammatical items such as verb forms, modal verbs, and so on.