Grandpa's Great Escape

  1. 4. Twilight ................... ?
  2. 5. The young hero ?
  3. 8. Mrs............. who broke the rope ?
  4. 9. The senior hero of the story ?
  5. 12. What did Grandpa climb at the start of the book ?
  6. 13. What day is visiting ?
  7. 15. They take them instead of pills ?
  8. 17. How many minutes are allowed for visiting ?
  9. 18. What were on the 'nurses' arms ?
  1. 1. Gives an electric shock to the pensioners ?
  2. 2. Who recommends Twilight Towers ?
  3. 3. German secret police ?
  4. 6. What is a Spitfire ?
  5. 7. What the rope was made of ?
  6. 10. The tree you have to climb to escape
  7. 11. Concentration.............. ?
  8. 13. What does Grandpa wear on his feet ?
  9. 14. What museum does Jack like visiting ?
  10. 16. Miss ........ the evil matron ?