Great British thinking!

  1. 2. Henry Moule invented the earth closet when vicar of which Dorchester parish?
  2. 4. Only one 'hero' comes from Northen Ireland, which one?
  3. 5. Where was the splendidly named Goldsworthy Gurney born in 1793?
  4. 6. In 1812, Sarah Guppy made 'improvements' to the tea urn. She adds a basket to allow what to be suspended in the boiling water?
  5. 8. Who, in 1816, discovered the kaleidoscope?
  6. 11. George Boole, mathematician and thinker, was born in Licoln, but what trade did his father ply?
  7. 12. In 1557 who 'invented' the equals sign?
  8. 13. The Jenner Museum is found in Edward Jenner's own house in which Gloucestershire village?
  9. 15. Nevil Maskelyne was the first person to try to calculate the weight of the world, but which ancient Greek first guaged the size?
  10. 16. In 1787, who saw the aurora borealis which led onto his work on atomic theory?
  11. 17. William Buckland caused an upset with the church on his theory over how the bones of which animal were found in a cave in Yorkshire?
  1. 1. Which doctor , who put forward a theory as to how the eye detects colour, was instrumental in translating the Rosetta Stone?
  2. 3. Liborio Pedrazzolli set up a business making and selling what item?
  3. 7. At 1,750 tons, which ship was the biggest built in Ireland?
  4. 8. After the great storm which destroyed the first Eddysrone Lighthouse, which famous author toured the country assessing the damage caused?
  5. 9. John Walker is credited with inventing the match but only after a German called brand had discovered phosphorous by boiling which liquid?
  6. 10. For his work on 'weighing the world' Nevil Maskelyne was awarded which medal?
  7. 14. In 1783 John Michell put forward a theory of what we know as black holes, but in which town did he live?