Great Canadian Railway

  1. 3. Chinese workers depended on _______ cure.
  2. 4. Chinese working conditions were very ________.
  3. 6. _____ Times.
  4. 7. Lack of
  5. 8. Black and
  6. 10. _____ Brokers
  7. 11. Ancestors.
  8. 13. Suffered.
  9. 15. _____road
  10. 17. Connect B.C. to ______ Canada.
  1. 1. Troy is
  2. 2. Which immigrants built the railway?
  3. 4. Landslides and.
  4. 5. Many immigrants died due to natural hazards,________ and explosives misuse.
  5. 9. Is the best class
  6. 12. There was none
  7. 14. ______ Pacific railroad.
  8. 16. Chinese workers did not receive proper _______ care.