  1. 3. Clinton - Presided over a period of economic prosperity, signed the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), and balanced the federal budget.
  2. 6. S.Truman - Made the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, helped rebuild Europe after World War II with the Marshall Plan, and oversaw the early Cold War period.
  3. 7. Madison - Co-author of the Federalist Papers, father of the Constitution, and led the nation through the War of 1812.
  4. 8. - Led the country through the end of the Cold War, oversaw the Gulf War, and signed the Americans with Disabilities Act into law.
  5. 12. F.Kennedy - Inspired a generation with his vision of public service, led the nation through the Cuban Missile Crisis, and initiated the Apollo space program.
  6. 13. D. Eisenhower - Supreme Commander of Allied forces in Europe during World War II, oversaw the integration of schools in the South, and warned of the military-industrial complex.
  7. 16. Roosevelt - Known for his efforts in conservation, trust-busting, and expanding the role of the presidency as a "bully pulpit".
  8. 17. Reagan - Implemented conservative economic policies, played a key role in ending the Cold War, and revitalized American patriotism.
  9. 18. S.Grant - Commanding general of the Union Army during the Civil War, implemented Reconstruction policies, and fought against the Ku Klux Klan.
  10. 20. K.Polk - Expanded the territory of the United States through the annexation of Texas, the Oregon Treaty, and the Mexican-American War.
  11. 22. Obama - The first African American president, passed the Affordable Care Act, ended the Iraq War, and oversaw the killing of Osama bin Laden.
  12. 23. Carter - Negotiated the Camp David Accords, advocated for human rights, and pursued energy independence.
  1. 1. McKinley - Led the nation through the Spanish-American War, oversaw the annexation of Hawaii, and pursued protective tariffs.
  2. 2. Hoover - Oversaw the country during the onset of the Great Depression, implemented relief efforts, and established the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.
  3. 4. B.Johnson - Passed significant civil rights legislation, launched the War on Poverty, and escalated U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War.
  4. 5. Monroe - Authored the Monroe Doctrine, oversaw the Era of Good Feelings, and acquired Florida from Spain.
  5. 7. Adams - Played a key role in the American Revolution, served as the first vice president, and helped negotiate the Treaty of Paris.
  6. 9. Washington - The first President of the United States, known for his leadership during the American Revolutionary War and for setting many precedents for the presidency.
  7. 10. Wilson - Led the country through World War I, championed the League of Nations, and signed into law significant domestic reforms.
  8. 11. Jackson - Known for his populism and expansion of presidential power, particularly in his dealings with Native American removal and the Bank of the United States.
  9. 14. B.Hayes - Oversaw the end of Reconstruction, advocated for civil service reform, and worked to reconcile North and South.
  10. 15. Ford - Became president after the resignation of Richard Nixon, pardoned Nixon, and worked to heal the nation after the Watergate scandal.
  11. 16. Jefferson - Author of the Declaration of Independence, doubled the size of the country with the Louisiana Purchase, and founded the University of Virginia.
  12. 19. D. Roosevelt - Implemented the New Deal to address the Great Depression and led the nation through most of World War II.
  13. 21. Lincoln - Led the country through the Civil War, preserved the Union, and issued the Emancipation Proclamation, paving the way for the abolition of slavery.