Greece and Rome Matching

  1. 2. Independent city-states
  2. 4. Indo-European language
  3. 5. Roman official who protected the plebeian citizen
  4. 6. Series of athletic competitions competed amongst people in Rome
  5. 9. Excessive attitudes passion, pride, outrage, and crime.
  6. 11. governing and advisory council
  7. 14. Group of men who helped run the Empire
  8. 15. Highest elected political office made up of 2 people
  9. 16. Where public meetings were held, lined with shops and markets.
  10. 17. Head of the state under the Roman Empire
  1. 1. oldest living male in a household
  2. 2. Farmers and soldiers
  3. 3. A type of performance in Greek theatre
  4. 4. Organization of the military
  5. 7. Belief in only one god
  6. 8. Greek built ship used in the Roman navy
  7. 10. Wealthy aristocrats
  8. 12. Tactical formation (shoulder to shoulder)
  9. 13. A type of wine