Greece vs Rome

  1. 3. Greek Clothing Most of their clothing was made at home.
  2. 4. Daily Life Of course, ancient Greeks did not have smart phones, computers, televisions, or electricity.
  3. 6. Education The Greeks loved to learn!
  4. 9. Roman Republic lasted for almost 500 years from 509 B.C.E. until 46 B.C.E.
  5. 10. Punic War was the last and shortest of the three wars.
  6. 12. Customs girls would marry as young as 12 or 13 years of age.
  7. 13. History Humans have lived in the area known as Rome for at least the last 6,000 years.
  8. 14. Roman Barbarians The word barbarian is somewhat misleading in historical terms.
  9. 16. of Rome However, some historians believe that the Roman Empire did not fall in 476 AD.
  1. 1. Pets loved their pets
  2. 2. Toys They played with rattles.
  3. 5. to Empire In ancient Rome, their republic lasted for 500 years
  4. 7. Food Finding a great meal in ancient Greece would have been very easy.
  5. 8. Greek Games Apparently Greek parents viewed games as a good way for their children to develop certain skills
  6. 9. Home The houses were generally small with walled gardens or courtyards in the center.
  7. 11. Punic War took place between 218 B.C.E. through 201 B.C.E.
  8. 12. Romans in Britain for more than 400 years, the Roman Empire was instrumental in ruling Britain.
  9. 13. of Ancient Rome Ancient Rome played an essential part in the legacy of world history
  10. 15. Punic War lasted 23 years, ending in 241 B.C.E The war was fought on land and at sea