Greek and Latin Roots part 1

  1. 2. Not visible or able to be seen
  2. 3. An invention made by Thomas Edison that records sound
  3. 4. A public building where people sit to listen to concerts
  4. 7. A musical instrument that is shaped similar to the letter s
  5. 9. An invention perfected by Henry Ford
  6. 10. A person's handwritten signature
  7. 11. A device that measures electromagnatic radiation in the visible light spectrum
  8. 12. The process that plants use to convert sunlight to energy
  9. 13. Done without thinging or by itself
  10. 14. To look and again and make changes
  11. 16. The study of life
  1. 1. A device that makes your voice louder
  2. 5. A device that allows you to watch shows
  3. 6. A printed picture taken with a camera
  4. 8. Related to recorded sound
  5. 10. A medicine used to kill microorganisms
  6. 13. Heard or capable of being heard
  7. 15. The story of a person's life written by someone else through research