Greek and Roman gods and godesses

  1. 2. What is Zeus to Athena?
  2. 5. Who is the roman version of Artemis?
  3. 6. Who Jupiters Father?
  4. 8. Who is the roman verison of Athena?
  5. 11. Apollo is what to Athena?
  6. 12. Who is the greek god of love?
  7. 13. Who is the greek god of lightning?
  8. 15. Who is the greek goddess of the hunt?
  9. 16. Mythology What is older Greek or Roman mythology?
  1. 1. Who is the roman equivlent of Poseiden?
  2. 3. Who is the godess of wisdom?
  3. 4. A famous author who writes about greek gods.
  4. 7. Apollo and Artemis are what to eachother?
  5. 9. Who is the greek god of the seas?
  6. 10. Who is the greek god of war and courage?
  7. 14. Who is the greek god of the underworld?