Greek Creation

  1. 4. Titan god, Cosmic Pillar of the North
  2. 6. Titan Goddess of Intellect, one of the 3 elder muses
  3. 8. The Primeval God of the Underworld
  4. 9. Titan god of time, overthrew Ouranos and ate his children
  5. 10. Titan goddess of Memory and language, one of the 3 elder muses
  6. 12. Titan god of the Sea; Father of the nymphs
  7. 14. Titan Goddess of law and order, one of the 3 elder muses
  8. 15. Primeval God of Earth; Instigated the overthrow of Cronos and Ouranus
  1. 1. Giants with One eye
  2. 2. Titan god, Father of Prometheus, Atlas, and Epimethius cosmic Pillar of the East
  3. 3. Titan of the Sun, Cosmic Pillar of the West
  4. 5. The Original Primeval god where everything originated.
  5. 7. The Primeval God of Procreation
  6. 9. Titan god of the constellations, Cosmic Pillar of South
  7. 11. Primeval God of the Sky, Father of Titans
  8. 13. Wife of Cronos, instigated overthrow of Cronos