Greek gods and goddesses

  1. 2. represents music, medicine, archery, and poetry, Symbols: mouse and lyre
  2. 3. represents home and hearth, Symbols: crane
  3. 9. represents love, Symbols: dove, magic belt
  4. 10. represents travelers, merchants, messengers, and thieves, Symbols: winged helm, sandals, and caduceus
  5. 11. represents wine, Symbols: tiger and grapes
  6. 12. represents fire, blacksmith work, Symbols: Anvil, quail
  7. 14. represents war, Symbols: wild boar, bloody sphere
  1. 1. represents the sea and earthquakes, Symbols: trident and horse
  2. 4. represents the moon and the hunt, Symbols: She-bear
  3. 5. represents wisdom, battle, and useful arts, Symbols: owl
  4. 6. represents the underworld, Symbols: helm of terror
  5. 7. represent Sky, lord of the gods, Symbols: Eagle, lightning bolt
  6. 8. represents agriculture, Symbols: Red Poppy and Barley
  7. 13. represents motherhood and marriage, Symbols: Cow (motherly animal), lion, peacock