Greek Monsters

  1. 3. (6,4) Ferocious big cat who was invulnerable to weapons. Heracles had to strangled it to kill it.
  2. 4. Snake-haired gorgon slain by Perseus. Her gaze could turn men to stone.
  3. 6. Human-bird creatures whose song was so beautiful that sailors were lured onto their rocks and killed.
  4. 8. Half-man, half-horse who liked to drink too much and kidnap women.
  5. 10. (11,5) Metal birds who feasted on travellers in the Mountainous region of Arcadia. Defeated by Heracles.
  1. 1. Half-human, half-bull creature who roamed a labyrinth on Crete. Killed by Theseus.
  2. 2. Three-headed dog who guarded the underworld.
  3. 5. Cyclops encountered, blinded, and tricked by the wily hero Odysseus.
  4. 6. Cunning creature that enjoyed challenging passers-by with riddles. If they got the answer wrong, she killed them.
  5. 7. (Tricky) Sentient whirlpool that sucked in and ate anything that passed by.
  6. 9. Snake monster defeated by Heracles as his second labour.