Greek Mythology

  1. 3. Goddess of Marriage
  2. 4. Snake haired Gorgon
  3. 9. Slayer of the Minotaur
  4. 10. Herald of the Gods
  5. 12. Wife of Hades
  6. 13. God of the Underworld
  7. 15. God of the Sea
  8. 18. The weapon Poseidon used to calm or make the ocean violent.
  9. 19. beautiful daughter of King Cepheus and Queen Cassiope of Joppa in Palestine
  10. 20. Goddess of the Moon
  1. 1. Mother of the Titans
  2. 2. Goddess of Wisdom
  3. 5. Goddess of agriculture
  4. 6. Goddess of Love and Beauty
  5. 7. Goddess of The Hearth
  6. 8. God of lightning and leader of the gods
  7. 11. Son of zeus, and a powerful demigod known for his incredible strength and courage
  8. 14. God of the SUn
  9. 16. Slayer of Medusa
  10. 17. God of War