Greek cheese

  1. 3. a body of written works designed with a specific cultural standard in mind. Used to explain how the world works.
  2. 4. a short story designed to teach a moral.
  3. 6. someone who was from Greece during
  4. 8. a one-eyed giant that is often featured in Greek mythology.
  5. 10. a war that was fought between Greek and Troy, famously featuring a large wooden horse.
  6. 11. a complicated maze that is often used as an obstacle in Greek mythology.
  7. 12. a woman in Greek mythology who had snakes instead of hair.
  1. 1. an Ancient Greek poet who wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  2. 2. a person in Greek culture who they believed spoke directly with the gods. The most famous spoke to Apollo.
  3. 5. a long, narrative poem designed to tell a hero's deeds.
  4. 6. a half-man, half-bull that is often featured in Greek mythology.
  5. 7. the body of water to the west of Greece.
  6. 9. the King of the Titans and original Supreme God in Greek Mythology.
  7. 10. giants that predated the gods and goddesses in Greek mythology.
  8. 12. a traditional story designed to explain the natural world.