Greek Mythology

  1. 3. Who tricked Atlanta with an apple so he could win a race?
  2. 6. Who went to the Underworld to get back his wife?
  3. 7. Who tried to ride Pegasus up to Olympus?
  4. 10. who stole Theseus' cattle?
  5. 11. Who gave Jason & the Argonauts a special salve to protect them from the fire-breathing bulls?
  6. 13. Who tried to kill Hercules on his way to the Garden of Hespirides?
  7. 14. Who wore Achilles armor in battle?
  8. 15. Who ordered his 50 daughters to kill their husbands?
  1. 1. Who slayed Medusa?
  2. 2. Who carried Hera across a river?
  3. 4. Who trained the Muses to sing harmoniously together
  4. 5. Who killed Hector
  5. 8. Who came up with the idea of the Trojan horse?
  6. 9. Who gave Perseus a sword so sharp it could cut through metal
  7. 12. Who gave Theseus the thread to help him out of the Labyrinth?