Greek Mythology

  1. 2. King of the Underworld
  2. 5. Witch that turned men to pigs
  3. 6. Mother of the Olympians
  4. 9. Titan who gave fire to man
  5. 11. Goddess of the harvest
  6. 15. Guardian of the Underworld
  7. 17. Rulers before the Olympians
  8. 18. Goddess of war and wisdom
  9. 20. Queen of Olympus
  10. 21. Demigod and son of Zeus with superhuman strength
  11. 24. Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring
  12. 26. God of the sun
  13. 27. God of War
  14. 28. King of Ithaca
  1. 1. King of the Sea
  2. 3. Messenger of the Gods
  3. 4. Goddess of the hunt
  4. 7. Goddess of harmony and balance
  5. 8. God of truth and prophecy
  6. 10. Goddess of sorcery and ghosts
  7. 12. Goddess of strife and discord
  8. 13. God of love
  9. 14. Goddess of Earth
  10. 16. King of the Gods
  11. 19. Goddess of love and beauty
  12. 20. God of sleep
  13. 22. Goddess of hearth and home
  14. 23. God of the forge
  15. 25. Sprung from Medusa’s neck