Greek Mythology Hero's and God's

  1. 3. twin brother of Artemis, Roman name Phoebus
  2. 4. goddess of fruitfulness, Roman name Ceres
  3. 5. the god of war, Roman name Mars
  4. 7. represents great power and fate, Roman name Saturn
  5. 8. one of the two sons of Atreus
  6. 10. the daughter of a son god, Roman name Kirke
  7. 11. god of fertility, and wine, Roman name Bacchus
  8. 12. the goddess of hunt, Roman name Diana
  1. 1. the goddess of wisdom, Roman name Minerva
  2. 2. goddess of beauty, Roman name Venus
  3. 5. represents spiders and weaving
  4. 6. was a mountain nymph
  5. 8. a god of vegetation represents growth, fertility
  6. 9. represents the ultimate warrior, seeking glory