Greek Mythology II

  1. 1. The son of Poseidon and Amphitrite, a sea god often depicted as a merman with a conch shell trumpet.
  2. 4. A titan in Greek mythology who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humanity, often associated with human progress.
  3. 5. The god of wine, festivities, and theater in Greek mythology.
  4. 6. The goddess of the moon in Greek mythology, associated with lunar cycles and nighttime.
  5. 10. The messenger of the gods and the god of commerce, travel, and communication in Greek mythology.
  6. 11. A mortal princess who became the wife of Eros (Cupid) in Greek mythology, symbolizing the soul and the power of love.
  7. 12. The god of love and desire in Greek mythology, often depicted as a young winged boy.
  8. 13. The god of fire, blacksmiths, and craftsmen in Greek mythology, known for his skill in forging weapons and armor.
  9. 14. The goddess of victory in Greek mythology, often depicted with wings.
  1. 2. The goddess of the rainbow and the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology.
  2. 3. A legendary hero in Greek mythology known for slaying the Gorgon Medusa and rescuing Andromeda.
  3. 4. The god of the wild, nature, and shepherds in Greek mythology, known for his playful and mischievous nature.
  4. 5. The goddess of agriculture, fertility, and the harvest in Greek mythology.
  5. 7. A nymph in Greek mythology and the wife of Orpheus, known for her tragic fate and journey to the underworld.
  6. 8. A legendary hero in Greek mythology known for slaying the Minotaur and navigating the Labyrinth.
  7. 9. The god of war in Greek mythology, associated with violence and brutality.