Greek Mythology Monsters

  1. 7. a creature with the head, arms, and torso of a human and the body of a horse
  2. 8. women three grey haired hag-like sisters in Greek mythology
  3. 9. the minor forest gods of Greek mythology, had the face, torso, and arms of a man, the ears and tail of a goat, and two goatlike legs.
  4. 11. a hybrid creature with the body of a bird and the head of a human
  5. 13. a treacherous and merciless being with the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird
  6. 14. A being with one eye
  7. 15. Rocks a pair of rocks at the Bosphorus that clashed together whenever a vessel went through
  8. 18. a giant with 100 eyes on his body, was a servant for Hera.
  1. 1. there were three of them, each having 50 heads and 100 arms
  2. 2. a three headed hound that is to protect the gate of hades
  3. 3. creatures with wings, fanged teeth, brass hands, and snakes for hair.
  4. 4. winged goddesses of vengeance and justice
  5. 5. a snake-tailed, goat- and lion-headed creature that breathed fir
  6. 6. a giant who lives on the island of Erytheia who played huge role when Hercules stole the red cattle
  7. 7. often associated with Scylla, but is actually a whirlpool near Sicily
  8. 10. a half man half bull that Theseus killed while in the labyrinth
  9. 11. resembled a folkloric man of the forest, with the ears of a horse and sometimes also the tail and legs of a horse
  10. 12. a supernatural female creature, with 12 feet and six heads on long snaky necks, each head having a triple row of sharklike teeth
  11. 16. also known as a harpyia, a half woman half bird monster
  12. 17. a water snake monster with 9 heads one of which was immortal