Greek Mythology - Perseus, Theseus, and Hercules

  1. 3. What did Perseus's hat give him?
  2. 7. the king that Hercules was sent to to be "cleansed"
  3. 8. the goddess that helped Perseus
  4. 10. the color that Theseus forgot to sail on the ship home
  5. 14. the queen that Poseidon made fall in love with a bull
  6. 20. the pillars of Hercules (three words)
  7. 23. Where was Theseus from?
  8. 25. Hercules's second wife
  9. 26. Hercules's other name
  10. 30. the creature Perseus saved Andromeda from (2 words)
  11. 32. the safe vessel that Theseus refused to travel in
  12. 35. the Amazonian that Theseus stole and married
  13. 36. the greatest hero of Greece
  14. 38. the shield that Perseus used to avoid Medusa
  15. 39. the girl that falls in love with Theseus
  1. 1. Hercules's wife (two words)
  2. 2. What did the gods need Hercules's help to defeat?
  3. 4. the magical object given to Perseus to hold Medusa's head
  4. 5. the woman who suggested poisoning Theseus
  5. 6. What did Hercules kill in the woods of Cithaeron? (two words)
  6. 9. Perseus's grandfather (the king)
  7. 11. the ruler that Medusa's head kills
  8. 12. Who did Hercules free from the Chair of Forgetfulness?
  9. 13. the gorgon that Perseus kills
  10. 15. the god that helped Perseus
  11. 16. the nine-headed creature that Hercules had to kill
  12. 17. Theseus's father (the king)
  13. 18. Perseus's mother
  14. 19. What did Hera send to kill Hercules as a child, which he then killed?
  15. 21. the woman Perseus married
  16. 22. the weapon(s) that Theseus killed the minotaur with
  17. 24. Hercules's father
  18. 27. Hercules's half-brother
  19. 28. Theseus's son
  20. 29. the architect that built the labyrinth
  21. 31. How many "labors" did Hercules have to perform?
  22. 33. the fisherman that cared for Danaƫ and Perseus
  23. 34. the creature that Theseus killed
  24. 37. the ruler of Crete