greek root words

  1. 3. an uprising
  2. 7. deisign and construction of aircrafts
  3. 10. stunts performed in flight
  4. 11. in a war like manner
  5. 12. a lepord of hypothetical
  6. 13. something that praises someome or something
  7. 14. a person who performs aerobatics
  8. 16. wire or rod
  9. 17. cure for all
  1. 1. a blue eruptive, valuable star
  2. 2. a record of aerograph
  3. 4. a system of exercises that promote fitness
  4. 5. aggressive or warlike
  5. 6. loud or uproar
  6. 8. group of people
  7. 9. goddess of war
  8. 13. a great veiw
  9. 15. expose or mix with air or gas