Greek Theatre History

  1. 2. large group consisting of singers and dancers
  2. 4. moveable or revolving platform
  3. 6. the altar
  4. 7. the low stage behind the orchestra
  5. 9. periods of more action by the actors
  6. 11. area of the audience
  7. 13. building that contained the actors' dressing room
  8. 14. opening situation
  9. 15. Greek name for an actor
  10. 18. large rea in front of the stage
  11. 19. the passageway where the chorus used to enter or exit
  1. 1. god from the machine
  2. 3. city where the festival took place
  3. 5. defined as excessive pride
  4. 8. last action of the play
  5. 10. God of the vine
  6. 12. tragic flaw
  7. 16. entering song and dance
  8. 17. chorale ode