Green Buildings

  1. 1. The most eco-friendly materials are not new, they are ___.
  2. 3. To reduce ___ costs, a building must trap the sun's rays.
  3. 6. ___ provide shade, oxygen and reduce cooling costs.
  4. 9. A farmer harvests food, a green building harvests ___.
  5. 10. Food waste can feed the plants if the building makes a provision for ___.
  1. 2. Energy-efficient buildings help fight ___ change.
  2. 4. Well placed windows reduce lighting costs by letting in ___ light.
  3. 5. The top of a building is a great place for solar panels or a ___.
  4. 7. When the sun shines, make ___ power.
  5. 8. We can make our home greener by using ___ efficient bulbs and appliances