Green Sort 31 extra words

  1. 3. A male sibling
  2. 4. Cut timber.
  3. 7. An unknown person.
  4. 8. Someone who doesn't tell the truth.
  5. 10. Shows your reflection.
  6. 12. A depression in the ground formed by the impact of a meteor.
  7. 13. A type of cheese.
  8. 16. The juice of a fruit.
  9. 20. Ground vibration.
  10. 21. Used to shave.
  11. 22. A mistake.
  1. 1. To give trouble or annoy.
  2. 2. The study of the way sentences are constructed.
  3. 5. To do with teeth.
  4. 6. A device used to print with.
  5. 9. Fitting or right.
  6. 11. Used to rub out mistakes.
  7. 14. An overwhelming and painful feeling caused by something frightfully shocking.
  8. 15. Scattered rubbish.
  9. 17. Intense, sharp, overmastering fear.
  10. 18. To do with the moon.
  11. 19. A mechanical device that transmits a signal.