Green Technology

  1. 2. systematically disassembling a building
  2. 5. using the sun to heat
  3. 6. integrated strategies-used to build with
  4. 7. harvesting forests at an unsustainable rate
  5. 9. LED
  6. 10. integrated strategies-liquid
  7. 14. atmosphere that keeps us cool
  8. 15. integrated strategies-used to power
  9. 16. integrated strategies-air quality
  10. 17. CFC's
  11. 19. building's relationship to the sun
  12. 20. CFL
  13. 23. used where it is breezy
  14. 24. living spred out
  1. 1. using the earth constant temperature
  2. 3. amount of fossil fuel used to produce a product
  3. 4. non-drinkable water
  4. 8. VOC
  5. 11. integrated strategies-leftovers
  6. 12. weather and temperature changes world wide
  7. 13. using the sun to produce electricity
  8. 18. carbon pounds of the average cheeseburger
  9. 20. the transfer of carbon between earth and the atmosphere
  10. 21. drinkable water
  11. 22. integrated strategies- outside property