Grendel Test Review

  1. 2. In addition to attacks from Hygmod or Hrothulf, this also traps Hrothgar
  2. 7. The Power of Stories, Good versus Evil, Loneliness, and Fate and Free Will are all _____ in Grendel.
  3. 8. Red Horse tells Hrothulf that all government is inherently
  4. 10. How Grendel felt when the strangers arrived
  5. 11. During the winter, Grendel suffers from this the most
  6. 12. What made Grendel slip during his battle with the Stranger
  7. 14. Unsuccessfully battled Grendel in Grendel’s home
  8. 16. What Grendel thought of the Stranger
  9. 17. He is stronger than humans and animals, has primitive impulses and humanity
  10. 18. Hrothgar and his men thought Grendel was a tree spirit and ________
  11. 20. If Grendel just killed all the humans, he would lose his _______
  12. 24. What Weatheow’s people were called
  13. 25. What the Shaper inspired Hrothgar to build
  14. 27. The goat is a metaphor for ______
  15. 30. This “pulled” Grendel to see the Dragon
  16. 31. Only one who successfully battles Grendel
  17. 34. built his kingdom by uniting warring neighbors and building roads
  18. 35. Grendel things they are the most dangerous thing he has ever met
  19. 36. blind priest ho Grendel speaks to
  1. 1. Sister of Hygmod and wife of Hrothulf
  2. 3. what Grendel was observing at the beginning of the book
  3. 4. To kill this person would have been the ultimate act of nihilism
  4. 5. What Grendel tried to do to Hrothgar’s men when the encountered him in the tree
  5. 6. Hrothulf’s political counsellor
  6. 9. Hrothgar’s nephew, planning a revolution
  7. 13. The Danes call their god the Great _______
  8. 15. the denial of knowledge or truth; rejection of beliefs in morality
  9. 17. Guilty of an ancient human crime; mute
  10. 19. The dragon put this on Grendel, which made him invulnerable to weapons
  11. 21. can see the past, present, and the future
  12. 22. The Dragon told Grendel to seek this out
  13. 23. According to the Dragon, Grendel’s role in the world was to be an ¬¬¬¬______ to humans.
  14. 26. The name of Hrothgar’s mead hall.
  15. 28. The Stranger’s childhood friend who challenged him to a swimming contest
  16. 29. The Shaper’s songs made Grendel feel this emotion about the ignorance of the Danes
  17. 32. Grendel’s only friend
  18. 33. blind poet who provides an altered version of reality