Gretchen's Bridal Shower

  1. 4. Wedding location (city)
  2. 6. Month of Gretchen's birthday
  3. 8. State where Gretchen was born
  4. 9. Gretchen's high school mascot
  5. 10. Jack & Gretchen's Favorite TV Show
  6. 12. Gretchen & Jack's favorite vacation destination
  7. 14. Number of apartment Gretchen & Jack have lived in together
  8. 15. Month of Jack's birthday
  9. 16. Color of the gown Gretchen wore to her senior prom
  10. 20. Gretchen & Jack's Sunday dinner ritual
  11. 22. Gretchen & Jack's favorite restaurant
  12. 24. Jack's favorite soccer team
  13. 26. Cut of Gretchen's Diamond
  14. 28. Wedding location (venue)
  1. 1. Name of Gretchen & Jack's other cat
  2. 2. Gretchen & Jack's "mini-moon" destination
  3. 3. State where Jack was born
  4. 5. Graduate degree for which Gretchen is studying
  5. 7. Gretchen's wine of choice
  6. 11. Name of Gretchen & Jack's cat (with white spot)
  7. 13. Number of states Gretchen & Jack have traveled to together
  8. 17. Location of Gretchen's bachelorette party
  9. 18. Month of the proposal
  10. 19. Gretchen's favorite movie
  11. 21. Gretchen & Jack's University
  12. 23. Name of the bar where Gretchen & Jack met
  13. 25. Proposal was during this outdoor activity
  14. 27. Number of years the couple has dated
  15. 29. Number of bridesmaids