Group One Health Crossword

  1. 4. another name for high fructose corn syrup
  2. 5. the beginning and most basic ingredient to HFCS
  3. 6. a metabolic disease in which the body's in ability to produce any or enough insulin causes eleveted levels of glucose in the body
  4. 7. eating too many calories and not burning them off can lead to ____ ___
  5. 9. the calories from solid fats and added sugars in foods and beverages.
  6. 11. HFCS is often used as a
  7. 13. more commonly known as salt
  8. 14. HFCS is often compared to this
  1. 1. disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body
  2. 2. most soft drinks are made with this instead of sugar
  3. 3. narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, cheast pain, or stroke
  4. 8. there is a ____ one and two diabetes
  5. 10. high-fructose corn _____
  6. 12. a calorie is a unit of ____
  7. 15. In solid sodium chloride, each ion is surrounded by ___ ions of the opposite charge