Group Work!

  1. 7. A group is a collection of individuals who have frequent interaction, mutual _, common feeling of camaraderie, and who work together to achieve a common set of goals
  2. 8. _ A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group, when members strive for unanimity override their motivation to appraise alternative views
  3. 11. Defined as the potency of goals and objects in the life space of the group
  4. 12. _ groups are those that come together through some outside influence or intervention. They usually have some sponsorship or affiliation and are convened for a particular purpose.
  5. 13. Group work’s goal is to satisfy member’s _ needs while accomplishing group tasks.
  6. 14. Guiding group _ is an example of leadership within group
  1. 1. A behaviour that presents a challenge to groupworks. It is when members ramble on about narratives
  2. 2. An approach based on the idea that there is no single truth
  3. 3. Rules and regulations are “_” norms
  4. 4. A common fear experienced by group members is _ over being accepted or rejected
  5. 5. A quality of speech that is therapeutic, releases tension and relaxes (British Spelling)
  6. 6. The leadership style that set policies through group discussion, encourages interaction and cooperation
  7. 8. When working with children, there are group counselling and group _.
  8. 9. Reward, _, legitimate, referent, expert, informational are examples of French and Raven’s Bases of Power.
  9. 10. An Interactional technique by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.