Growth And Development

  1. 2. Belonging to a group and sharing in the same task
  2. 3. An achievement at a certain age
  3. 5. The body of words used in a particular language
  4. 7. The way someone acts
  5. 9. An understanding of who they are
  6. 13. Playing alone
  7. 15. Another word for feelings
  8. 16. Control of small muscles
  9. 17. Playing alongside others but not with them
  10. 18. Playing with others by doing the same thing as everybody else
  11. 19. The ability to go and talk to a group of people
  1. 1. Control of the large muscles
  2. 4. The words they make before they learn to speak
  3. 6. The people you live with
  4. 8. How a child develops mentally
  5. 9. Their ability to let others have a turn with something
  6. 10. A method of moving around before a baby starts walking
  7. 11. Your surroundings
  8. 12. Smell, Taste, Touch
  9. 14. Watching from the edge of the group as other children play