  1. 4. The belief that if one nation in Southeast Asia fell to Communism, the rest would soon follow
  2. 6. The middle class; in Marxism, the capitalist class who own most of society’s wealth and means of production
  3. 7. The Soviets claimed they were surrounded by hostile nations following World War II. In an attempt to protect themselves they created an “___'' (border barriers, and the Berlin Wall) to separate the nations of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union from the West.
  4. 10. Act of genocide by the Nazis during World War II in which more than six million Jews and five million others died
  5. 12. Global economic downturn that began in 1929
  6. 13. Granting concessions to a potential aggressor in order to avoid a conflict.
  7. 15. Policy introduced into the Soviet Union by Mikhail Gorbachev allowing for a greater “openness” in Soviet society
  8. 17. Term for autocratic rule of Russia; Russian word for Caesar, also spelled tsar
  9. 18. Term for autocratic rule of Russia; Russian word for Caesar, also spelled tsar
  10. 20. The transformation from traditional, rural, agrarian society to a secular, urban, industrial society
  11. 21. Name given to Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea as a result of their successful and aggressive economic growth.
  12. 22. After World War I, a territory that was administered by a foreign power
  1. 1. A foreign policy during the Cold War period in which developing nations did not take sides with either the United States or the Soviet Union.
  2. 2. Policy of mass murder carried out against racial, ethnic or religious group. An example of genocide was the extermination of European Jews by the Nazis.
  3. 3. old War policy that involved limiting communism to areas already under Soviet control
  4. 5. World War I alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire (later joined by Bulgaria)
  5. 8. the belief that each ethnic group or “nationality” is entitled to its own government and national homeland.
  6. 9. Lightning war; military strategy employed by Germany in World War II.
  7. 11. The belief that the state is supreme, that an absolute leader expressed the needs of the state, and that citizens should make sacrifices for the state.
  8. 14. Belief that the culture of other peoples is inferior to one’s own culture.
  9. 16. A conflict that developed after World War II between Communist nations led by the Soviet Union and Western nations led by the United States.
  10. 19. The former policy of the Republic of South Africa that legalized racial segregation (separation of the races) and oppression of South African Blacks.