  1. 1. The nurse formulates an action plan and goals based on the patient’s health information.
  2. 6. She illustrated the interactional phases, which are empathy, rapport, original encounter, etc.
  3. 8. The nurse interprets and identifies the data.
  4. 10. The nurse will execute the action and goals.
  5. 12. It is a theory by Florence Nightiangle in which she emphasizes the strong influence of the environment on a patient’s health.
  6. 15. She made the “Notes on Nursing.”
  7. 16. Who developed the metaparadigm of nursing theory?
  8. 17. Congruence, empathy, and warmth are characterized by her for helping-trust relationship.
  9. 18. She focused on a sociological anthropology nursing theory that illuminated the preservation, transaction, and adaptation of one’s culture.
  10. 20. She established the self-care deficit theory.
  1. 2. What is the other term for derivable consequences, as it is one of the criteria used for nursing theory analysis
  2. 3. The nurse will draw conclusions about whether the action and goal are effective.
  3. 4. The restorative subsystem, as the 8th added subsystem, is in the theory of _______system.
  4. 5. Defined nursing as all: a refuge and the body of the patients.
  5. 7. The nurse obtains information and vital signs about the patient’s health concerns.
  6. 9. It is a type of concept in theory that is defined in a way that exists but has neither physical nor material form.
  7. 11. Provides a goal and reason for a theory.
  8. 13. The orientation, identification, exploitation, and resolution phases belong to the theory of ___________ relations.
  9. 14. She defined the caring elements, which are faith, love, tending, etc.
  10. 19. She highlighted the importance of adaptation and responses in nursing.