Guess The Buzzword
- 4. Nevermind GenZ, this next consumer will finally be the one to care about brand purpose.
- 5. An imaginary universe where customers are bonded together by their love of a brand through a (blank).
- 6. “You must (blank) with your audience.” A fancy word used to describe sending out surveys to customers.
- 8. What every small brand allegedly needs to survive and every established brand must be deathly afraid of.
- 10. Horrible, out of touch, vile consumers who actually have money.
- 11. The only consumers that matter.
- 12. Every other mission statement contains this word.
- 15. The brands of complex market leaders are often retrofitted to fit 3 or 4 of these by brand strategists who have no clue what the brand’s actual strategy is.
- 17. A 5-day workshop that wastes everyone’s time and results in common sense insights.
- 18. Seth Godin is the king of these, while contributing nothing of substance to the field of marketing.
- 1. Every single mission statement contains this word.
- 2. Google is retrofitted into this Jungian box by hack brand strategists. “The (blank).”
- 3. Two-word $7 billion industry with zero evidence supporting its effectiveness.
- 6. “Julie, a mother of two, lover of yoga, basic white girl, and Instagram influencer” is an example of a (blank) that Starbucks has never used (but would if branding gurus had their way) to sell pumpkin spice lattes to their “ideal customer.”
- 7. The only consumers that used to matter.
- 9. Second half of a fun alliteration that means nothing. Also the title of a book that misleads designers into thinking customers deeply care about the brands they buy.
- 13. Inaccurate descriptor used in too many marketers’ LinkedIn headlines.
- 14. Glorified two-word title for brand designers who love brand design (but are usually bad at it) and need an excuse to justify their careers.
- 16. “Every brand must speak to their target (blank).” Allows marketers to pretend that they work in the entertainment industry.