Guessing Game

  1. 1. Addition. To plus numbers together.
  2. 3. The answer to a multiplication equation
  3. 6. Repeated addition
  4. 7. The answer to an addition equation.
  5. 8. To remove an amount from another.
  6. 10. A number that includes a numerator and denominator separated by a line (also represents division)
  7. 11. The space between two lines that intersect
  8. 13. To equally split a number
  1. 2. A number written with tenths and/or hundredths, thousandths, etc.
  2. 4. The answer to a subtraction equation.
  3. 5. Addition. To add numbers together.
  4. 6. To remove an amount from another.
  5. 9. A symbol to clarify the order of operations in an algebraic expression
  6. 12. Repeated addition
  7. 13. A unit of measurement for angles