Guide to Public Forum Debate

  1. 3. Seated, all debaters interact with one another.
  2. 4. This speech constructs arguments showing the disadvantages of the resolution and why it should not be adopted.
  3. 8. The judge is the chairperson of the roundcrossfire Questioning periods give debate interactivity and a change to build clash.
  4. 12. Both of these debatershave the primary burden of refutingthe other team’s arguments by analyzing and explainingflaws in the opponent’s position.
  5. 13. Topics are worded as resolutions,meaning they advocate solving a problem by establishing a position.
  6. 14. The more a debater knows about a topic, both arguments and evidence,
  7. 15. Each team has two minutes of prep time.
  1. 1. If theteam feels that the opponent’s case is based on a faulty or unfair interpretation of the resolution
  2. 2. A team must develop both a pro and con case
  3. 5. These are complicated speeches because each debater has to find a way to explain issues in the light of all that has happened so far
  4. 6. This frames, with clarity, why your team has won the debate.
  5. 7. Effective delivery is critical to impact the arguments for a citizen judge.
  6. 9. The quantity of arguments is less important than the quality of arguments
  7. 10. This speech constructs arguments advocating the resolution’s worthiness.
  8. 11. The round starts with a coin toss the winning team selects either