Guiding History

  1. 1. Another name for the position for an unconscious person.
  2. 5. World organisation which we are a part of.
  3. 6. We are all part of this.
  4. 9. The first President of the Girl Guides.
  5. 12. Word in the last Guide Law.
  6. 15. A word in the third Guide Law.
  7. 17. Island where the first practise Scout camp was held.
  8. 19. The name of the World Centre in Switzerland.
  9. 23. The seventh word of the Guide Promise.
  10. 25. Use safely to chop wood.
  11. 28. Something we do every day.
  12. 29. Eleventh word in the Guide Promise.
  13. 30. Day set aside to celebrate World Guiding and the founders.
  14. 32. A Reef and granny are a type of one of these.
  15. 33. Lord BP was a colonel in the ______.
  1. 2. Country where Guiding began.
  2. 3. We should always try to ______ healthy food.
  3. 4. tradition carried out during a night at camp.
  4. 7. Which African town did B.P. defend for seven months
  5. 8. Jamboree on the ______.
  6. 10. Lord Baden-Powell's third christian name.
  7. 11. The sixth word of the Guide Promise.
  8. 13. A snake like animal which lives in water.
  9. 14. What Junior Guides used to be called.
  10. 16. Pink and grey bird in Australia.
  11. 18. Scandanavian country who is a member of WAGGGS.
  12. 19. Palace where the first Scout rally was held.
  13. 20. In what year did Lady B.P. become World Chief Guide?
  14. 21. Who married Lord Baden-Powell?
  15. 22. Hand which we use to greet other Guides.
  16. 24. Name for a Guide who cannot attend regular meetings.
  17. 26. Indian World Centre.
  18. 27. Lord Baden-Powell's first name.
  19. 31. Another word for the bag taken to camp.