Gunning ch 8 section 3 and 4 Reciprocal Teaching and questioning the Author/Implement an approach

  1. 4. the teacher fills in information that is missing from a discussion but that is important for understanding key ideas
  2. 5. readers tell what is going on in their minds as they read
  3. 7. the teacher highlights key points and summarizes
  4. 10. students gradually learn key comprehension strategies by intimating and working along with the teacher
  5. 12. seek out the kinds of information in a text that provides a basis for well-formed questions
  1. 1. the discussion leader, with our without the help of the group, retells the selection, highlighting the main point
  2. 2. focuses on content rather than strategies
  3. 3. major obstacle for bilingual readers
  4. 5. the teacher turns students' attention back to the text so that they can get more information
  5. 6. the teacher shows how he or she might go about creating meaning from text
  6. 7. the teacher helps students clearly express what they were attempting to say
  7. 8. the teacher highlights a students comment or idea that is important to the meaning being built
  8. 9. based on illustration headings, or an introductory paragraph
  9. 11. students note words, concepts, expressions, or other items that hinder comprehension