Guns, Germs and Steel

  1. 5. A country who lost its technological lead over backward Europe and suspended exploration due to local politics.
  2. 6. What varies enormously from society to society on the same continent and also over time within the same society?
  3. 8. On any continent, at any given time there are innovative___.
  4. 12. Then fertile Cresent and eastern Mediterranean societies had the misfortune to arise in an ecologically fragile environment, however, Northern and western Europe had good luck to live in a more robust environment and able to support intensive___?
  5. 14. How many differences between continents does Jared Diamond give when explaining human development?
  6. 16. Factors differ systematically from ____ to continent which leds to different technological development.
  7. 18. Another factor influencing diffusion which could lead to a build up of local domesticates and technology related to geographical location is___?
  8. 19. Once an inventor has discovered a use for a new technology, the next step is to persuade society to ___ it.
  1. 1. Technologies would be acquired less and existing tecnologies would be lost if there wasn't ___?
  2. 2. If inventions spread more rapidly than they could be independently invented locally, how were complex inventions usually acquired?
  3. 3. A factor that affects positievely or negatively the rates of diffusion and migration or the spread of technology on a continent.It could be east-west or north-south?
  4. 4. A word to describe the food production leading to accumulation and being able to feed non-food producing specialists?
  5. 5. How does technology develop if it isn't by isloated heroic acts but finds it's uses after it's been developed?
  6. 7. Usual reasoning when technoligical differences exist and therefore the ideological differences is inferred.
  7. 8. The last factor is the ___ of a population. A larger population means more inventors, competing societies, adopt and and retain innovations.
  8. 9. The diference between continents is not because of the people but becasue of the ___?
  9. 10. China abandoned development of some innovations and technologies because of the potential affects to ___?
  10. 11. How would technology develop in large productive areas with large human populations with potential inventors and competing societies?
  11. 13. What medievil China lead the world in?
  12. 15. Adopting foreign ways and technology and intergrating them successfully into their own society.
  13. 17. Where the main flow of technology came from in the Middle Ages.