gym candy

  1. 1. the main character
  2. 4. the player on the football team that Mick wanted to beat out
  3. 6. high school Mick goes to
  4. 7. Mick gets ____ by going to the gym
  5. 8. where Mick's dad went but got kicked off of due to back behavior
  6. 9. last name of the main character
  7. 10. what Mick is working towards
  8. 11. the sport that is being discussed
  1. 2. the new coach that used to be the school janitor
  2. 3. a side character (Mick and Drew's friend)
  3. 4. mick's bestfriend
  4. 5. the place Mick goes to get strong
  5. 6. Mick works in the gym to become ____
  6. 10. what Mick takes to get stronger