GZ 12 Day Giveaway

  1. 5. this instructor is also a DJ
  2. 7. brand of our indoor cycling bike
  3. 14. Name of Asmine’s side hustle
  4. 15. Dianne has a _ inked on her
  5. 17. this instructor has a collection of cool socks
  6. 20. name Jeong’s first dog
  7. 23. Eunice’s favourite colour
  8. 25. our first studio was at _ street
  9. 26. instructor that started as front desk
  10. 27. which instructor is a PR consultant by day
  11. 29. name the brand of Haiqal’s motorbike
  12. 31. what does Alicia eat too much of
  13. 33. Alex’s favourite tattoo
  14. 34. which instrument does Jaysen play
  1. 1. TZ’s age
  2. 2. side_
  3. 3. breed is Jolyn’s dog
  4. 4. what faculty is Ryan in
  5. 6. which kpop artist does Ethel only listen to
  6. 8. which instructor is a medicine student
  7. 9. which city did Desiree complete her bachelors in
  8. 10. be my _
  9. 11. which instructor has sung at weddings before
  10. 12. we are _
  11. 13. this female instructor is 174cm tall
  12. 16. colour of cones in the resistance room
  13. 18. the only type of burpees that we do
  14. 19. this instructor has her own jewellery line
  15. 21. set alarms on
  16. 22. Suhana’s middle name
  17. 24. Des.Low’s Instagram handle
  18. 25. what is Wei Ren’s English name
  19. 28. brand of our yoga mats
  20. 30. how many tattoos does Sarah have
  21. 32. Which country is Nick from