Hair Theory

  1. 2. Resting phase of hair growth
  2. 4. Extra curly hair follicle
  3. 5. Lack of pigmentation
  4. 9. Gives hair pigment
  5. 10. Transitional phase of hair growth
  6. 12. Wavy-curly hair follicle
  7. 15. Straight hair follicle
  8. 16. Not always present in hair
  9. 17. Oil secreted by the sebaceous gland
  10. 18. Muscle that gives you goosebumps
  11. 20. The study of hair
  12. 22. Root sheath
  13. 23. Microfibrils twist together to make up
  1. 1. Hardening of cells
  2. 3. Reduced pigment in hair
  3. 6. Growing phase of hair
  4. 7. Nourishes the follicle
  5. 8. Poly-peptide chines twist to create
  6. 9. Protofibrils twist together to make up
  7. 11. Where most of the strength and pigment is located
  8. 13. A main purpose of hair
  9. 14. Creates black/brown shade
  10. 19. Creates red/blonde shades
  11. 21. Portion of hair below the skin
  12. 22. Portion of hair above the skin
  13. 24. Outer protective layer of hair