Halestorm Hard Level 200 >Geography Crossword Puzzle that includes Contietail drift-tethioc plates

  1. 6. Alfred Wegener
  2. 8. Molten Rock under or below the earths surfaces
  3. 9. When one plate goes under the other plate
  4. 10. Wegener The Glacier theory/The Jigsaw/The Fossil theory?The Mountain Range
  5. 11. The supercontinent about 200-00 billion years ago
  6. 12. The transfer of heat thru objects etc
  1. 1. when two plates move toward each other
  2. 2. The era that took up about 87% of earth hitory
  3. 3. Weathering and Erosion
  4. 4. Are Teachers name
  5. 5. Molten rock on or above the earth surface
  6. 7. Tectonics and Volcanoes and Mountain Ranges