
  1. 2. What animal goes 'hoo! hoo!'?
  2. 8. What do people put up on their house on Halloween?
  3. 11. What do you say when you scare someone?
  4. 12. When you carve a pumpkin and put a candle in it, what is it called?
  5. 14. What do you say on Halloween to get candy?
  6. 17. A popular character who rides a horse without a head!
  7. 18. What do werewolves need to transform?
  8. 20. A famouse halloween movie about a skeleton!
  9. 23. What monster is from the undead?
  10. 25. The first word to a popular song that ends in 'Scary Skeletons'!
  11. 26. What do people go to pumpkin patches to get?
  12. 27. What makes spiderwebs?
  13. 28. What do you wear on Halloween?
  1. 1. What haunts houses?
  2. 3. What entity rides a broomstick?
  3. 4. What does a witch ride?
  4. 5. What is a vampire?
  5. 6. What monster needs a full moon to transform?
  6. 7. What month does Halloween take place?
  7. 9. An event people go to do during Halloween.
  8. 10. What monster sucks blood?
  9. 13. A popular Halloween Candy.
  10. 15. What do you collect on Halloween?
  11. 16. What do ghosts do?
  12. 17. A Halloween movie about three witches!
  13. 19. What do spiders make?
  14. 21. What is this holiday called?
  15. 22. A monster found in Egypt!
  16. 24. What do witches use?