
  1. 3. A dead person who wants brains!!
  2. 4. the same as frightening
  3. 6. Something you wear at Halloween
  4. 9. What you get when you trick or treat
  5. 12. a fruit used at Halloween
  6. 13. An insect with 8 legs and 8 eyes
  7. 15. A person who kills people!
  8. 16. Harry Potter plays quiddich with a ___
  9. 17. If a place has ghosts, it is ________
  10. 20. Where someone is after they die
  11. 21. A woman who uses black magic
  1. 1. A monster with many bandages
  2. 2. a man who steals and has an eyepatch
  3. 5. A person who works in a circus
  4. 7. Dracula is a __________
  5. 8. A scary creature
  6. 10. A creature from space
  7. 11. The bones of a person
  8. 14. The body of a dead person
  9. 18. _______ or treat!
  10. 19. A small black animal that can fly
  11. 20. The spirit of a dead person