hammer gimmick

  1. 3. classname of a cowmangler's laser
  2. 8. the lower threshold of a catapult set to "Only check velocity" with these settings: PlayerSpeed = 940, lower threshold = 0.6, upper threshold = 0.3
  3. 11. maximum number of OnUser output
  4. 15. fire delay when rocket jumping with airstrike
  5. 16. entity needed to create rng
  6. 17. attachment point of a player model to track where's he's looking
  7. 20. number of buttons that appear below you in strikapult 2nd last
  8. 21. creator of jump_party
  9. 22. The only entity that can still trigger trigger_multiple while being parented to a player
  10. 23. targetname of the entity essential for a unique player naming logic
  11. 24. arcade game recently added inside a map
  12. 25. You need this file to pack custom particles in your map
  13. 26. the only attachment point of a rocket
  14. 29. gimmick map that came out recently combining most known gimmicks
  15. 30. the name of the entity needed to filter a trigger for rockets only
  16. 33. entity that can manipulate a numerical value
  17. 35. delay randomly added by the game for no reason sometime for trigger's output
  1. 1. Using Gorge's rocket naming prefab, maximum number of different "fake" OnUser output you can make
  2. 2. name of the trigger use to give airstrike to a stock rocket launcher
  3. 4. vertuosic's soldier gimmick
  4. 5. delay of a standard rocket fire delay minus 0.2
  5. 6. jump_ the greatest demo gimmick map by bshear
  6. 7. the only dogpark map with a soldier gimmick that isn't on Tempus
  7. 9. entity needed to respawn an entity
  8. 10. the upper threshold of a catapult set to "Only check velocity" with these settings: PlayerSpeed = 940, lower threshold = 0.6, upper threshold = 0.3
  9. 12. console command to output all Inputs and Outputs to the console
  10. 13. name of the only spectator in jump_olympic's stadium
  11. 14. entity that tracks player's inputs
  12. 18. gimmick map using different rocket travel speed
  13. 19. keyboard shorcut to open the search and replace menu in hammer
  14. 27. Entity useful when you need to break a I/O chain
  15. 28. A child entity is attached to a ___
  16. 31. jump_ generic's recently released gimmick map (Yes the rockets are suppose to do that)
  17. 32. console command to manually trigger an entity
  18. 34. rocket travel speed in u/s