Hand-Sewing Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. short ruler with adjustable slide
  2. 4. very strong stitch
  3. 6. small items used in sewing, such as thread, buttons, snaps, etc.
  4. 9. used to enclose a raw, or unfinished seam/edge
  5. 14. used to measure your body
  6. 15. used to cut zigzag edge to minimize fraying
  7. 17. secure stitching by __ the thread at the cut end before stitching and at the end of stitching
  1. 1. pushed along the cutting line like a pizza cutter
  2. 2. most thread comes on one of these
  3. 3. the "pretty" side of the fabric. The part of the fabric with the design on the outside of the garment
  4. 5. this is used to hold fabric together in a finished garment or craft
  5. 7. the line on which the seam is stitched
  6. 8. it protects your fingers when you hand sew
  7. 10. pins and needles should never be placed in your __
  8. 11. tool makes it easier to remove stitches along the seam
  9. 12. this is threaded and used to sewing fabrics together
  10. 13. measure long, straight distances with this
  11. 15. these are used to hold fabric together before the fabric is sewn together either by hand or machine
  12. 16. pass sharp objects to other with their __ first