Handy Facts

  1. 3. only one earthquake has been predicted and that is the _____ earthquake in China in 1975
  2. 4. second most active volcano (in Italy)
  3. 7. the ring of fire has ??? volcanoes and is home to 75% of the worlds active and dormant volcanoes
  4. 9. at any given time there is an average of about ?? volcanoes that are erupting
  5. 10. ??? million people live with the threat of volcanic activity
  6. 11. in LEDCs what impacts kill the most: primary or secondary
  1. 1. what is the worlds most active volcano (its in Hawaii)
  2. 2. there are about ??? volcanoes that have had known eruptions during recorded history
  3. 4. ??% of the worlds largest earthquakes occur along the ring of fire
  4. 5. about ??% of the worlds earthquakes occur along the ring of fire
  5. 6. over ??% of the worlds pop. live in earthquake hazard zones
  6. 7. about ??-70 volcanoes are active (erupting) each year
  7. 8. a good example of a more developed country not preparing for an earthquake
  8. 11. up to ? hours of warning can be given of most eruptions if predicted/monitored